Mining Plus is thrilled to announce that in conjunction with our strategic partner Riskcom, that we have commenced a global review of an international mining client’s critical risk control processes associated with five major hazards! Mining Plus is providing mining subject matter expertise for each of the five major hazards areas.
It was a big undertaking, but will deliver an immense amount of value to the client, and will contribute to safety improvements for the global mining and resources industry.
Article shared with permission from Riskcom.
Riskcom is thrilled to advise that at 4am this morning Melbourne, Australia time, we, in conjunction with our strategic partner Mining Plus, commenced a global review of an international mining client’s critical risk control processes associated with five major hazards.
With sites in more than 30 countries around the world, modern technology and remote conferencing facilities has enabled real time risk assessments to occur simultaneously across the globe.
The aim of the project is to ensure the continual improvement of critical controls that relate to material unwanted events (MUEs) associated with the major hazards across the business by:
Engaging sites’ subject matter experts in the verification of the current controls and/or the development of new controls together with supporting documentation to further improve control effectiveness, and
To further enhance risk management capability across the group.
Hasn’t COVID-19 taught us so much? 2 years ago, we might have jumped on a plane to visit each site, perhaps making our services commercially unviable due to extensive transport costs. Now our experts are on equal footing with our international competitors. It is truly rewarding to be recognised as a leader in our field of health & safety by such a renowned mining organisation so far from home. Our team has an extensive background and expertise in mining risks and so it gratifying to apply that globally.
We look forward to continuing this project and developing our relationship with them. Canada last night, South America tomorrow and on to Africa and then Asia. A truly world-wide tour but more importantly, world-wide delivery with local service.
More details can be found here.

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